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Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers will help you with your car accident, motor vehicle accident, bus accident and other personal injury related case.

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Houston | Expert Advice and Defense Services



We at Humble Law Firm have been providing legal services to the residents of Houston and its surrounding areas for more than 40 years. Our team of dedicated lawyers is committed to ensuring that our clients receive the best possible legal representation for their personal injury cases.

We know that accidents can happen anytime and anywhere, which is why we are here 24/7, 365 days a year. If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident, call us today at (832) 456-4444 for a free consultation.

How Pedestrian Accidents Happen & Why You Need a Lawyer

Pedestrian accidents are the most common type of car accident in the United States. They happen when a driver is not paying close attention or is distracted and hits a pedestrian. Pedestrians can also be at fault if they are crossing an intersection against a red light, or walking on railroad tracks, or if they were intoxicated.

Nearly half of all pedestrian accidents are caused by drivers who were speeding and/or under the influence of alcohol. Only about one-third of pedestrian accidents involve someone who was drunk while driving.

Since pedestrians cannot protect themselves from cars, it is important to have legal representation in order to get compensation for damages that happened during an accident.

Common Types of Pedestrian Accident Injuries

If you have been in a pedestrian accident, it is important that you know what to do afterwards. There are many different types of injuries that can happen in pedestrian accidents and the severity of the injury can depend on the type of accident, how fast you were going, and your age.

Pedestrian accidents can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common cause is drivers who are not paying attention or driving too fast. Pedestrians also need to be aware of their surroundings so they don’t collide with another person or object while walking on the sidewalk or crossing the street.

What to Expect After an Auto Accident Involving Pedestrians & Cars

An auto accident can happen at any time and leave you with a variety of injuries. If you are involved in an accident, it is important to understand what to expect after an auto accident, including the aftermath of your injury.

The first thing that happens after an auto accident is the police will be called to the scene. The police officer will ask for driver’s licenses and registration information from both parties involved in the collision. They will also take statements from witnesses and ask if anyone needs medical attention or has been injured as a result of the collision.

Afterwards, they will give all parties involved in the collision a copy of their report which includes all information gathered during their investigation.

The Role of Your Lawyer in a Personal Injury Case Involving Pedestrians & Cars

In a personal injury case involving pedestrians and cars, the lawyer’s role is to make sure that the injured person receives fair compensation for their injuries. The lawyer will usually conduct an investigation to determine who was at fault in the accident. The lawyer will also consult with medical professionals to establish how severe the injuries are.

The best auto accident lawyer will always be available when you need him or her. They are not just there when you have a car accident but they are there when you need legal advice on any matter that may involve a car accident – such as how to get your driver’s license back after an arrest, or what happens if you get into a car accident while driving on someone else’s property or while driving in another state.

Conclusion (keyword: conclusion of article on pedestrian accidents)

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